Carlos Valente, who recently defended his PhD thesis at the Higher Institute of Agronomy/University of Lisbon, is the speaker of the Seminar 'Biological control of weevil-eucalyptus: current situation and new possibilities' scheduled for September 14, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The eucalyptus weevil, whose scientific name is Gonipterus platensis, is a defoliation insect that severely affects the Iberian eucalyptus forest. Being an insect coming from Australia, it doesn’t have in Portugal natural enemies that help to control its populations. In these circumstances, the introduction of natural enemies from their region of origin (biological control) is a promising control strategy.
The next editions of the RAIZ Friday Seminars will run from September to December, from 11:45 am to 1:00 pm, with the following schedule:
September 28
'Laboratory accreditation and the use of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment', by Manuela Marques;
October 19
'Water footprint: what is it, what is it for, how to do it? A contribution to the assessment of the environmental impact of green water flows in the forest ', by Paula Quinteiro (University of Aveiro);
November 9
'Introduction to the tissue world', by Ana Margarida Carta.
November 23
'Forest aptitude studies in Mozambique and productivity estimates', by Luís Bragança;
December 14
'Specific consumption of wood', by Catarina Rebelo.